Church on-site has resumed: Sundays 10am & 6pm
At 48 Hall Street, Auburn
* Please note, the NSW Government is now requiring mandatory mask-wearing in church
See our COVID safety information here, and more details about our gatherings below.
We continue to livestream: Sundays 9:45am
February 7, 9:45am - 1 Corinthians 12:8-31 - “The Body of Christ”
Sermon Outline | Sermon Translation: Chinese | Bible Reading
JANUARY 31, 9:45AM - 1 Corinthians 12:1-7 - “True Spirituality”
Sermon Outline | Sermon Translation: Chinese | Bible Reading
10AM Sunday
Join us on Sundays, in the old church building at 48 Hall Street, Auburn. We meet for an hour before enjoying morning tea together. The main thing we do is hear from our God. This happens as his Word, the Bible, is read and preached. There is a full children’s and youth program, and all of our leaders have been trained in working safely with children.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
6pm Sunday
Come from 6pm for a light meal, followed by bible teaching from 6:30pm. This is a very relaxed meeting, and questions are welcome. We read the bible in the languages of the people who come. The teaching is in easy English. Pictures and stories are used. Come and make new friends from around the world. Come and meet Jesus in his Word, the Bible.
48 Hall Street Auburn NSW 2144 | Phone: 02 9649 7228
a PARTNER church: Newington ANGLICAN
4:30pm Sunday
Newington Anglican Church is a church plant for the people of Newington, Wentworth Point, Olympic Park and Silverwater. It's a relaxed afternoon meeting in the town centre of Newington. There's a creche for preschoolers and a kids program too - we all get to know Jesus together. We love welcoming people from all parts of the world and help with English, where needed. The meeting will go for about an hour and we'll enjoy some afternoon tea together too.