2024 Sermons

Sun 29 DEC | 1 Samuel 2:1-10 | the god who knows

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

WED 25 DEC | Matthew 1:20-23 | christmas service

Bible Reading

Sun 22 DEC | LUKE 2:1-20 | The Night Heaven Couldn't Keep Quiet!

Bible Reading

Sun 15 DEC | 1 kings 21 | are you obeying the word of the lord

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 8 DEC | 1 kings 19:1-18 | there’s more to this

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 1 DEC | 1 kings 18:25-40 | if the lord is god, follow him!

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 24 Nov | 1 kings 16:29-17:24 | responding to the word of the lord

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 17 Nov | Acts 8:26-40 | gospel progress

Bible Reading

Sun 10 Nov | 1 kings 11:1-13 | who do you truly love?

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 3 NOV | 1 kings 8:1-11 | the absolutely glorious church

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 27 oct | 1 kings 3 | the heart of a listening king

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 20 oct | 1 kings 1:1-10 | a king not like the nations

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 13 oct | genesis 39 | prosperity & adversity

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 6 oct | Mark 4:35-5:43 | this is such good news!

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 29 Sep | Acts 6:8-8:3 | mission hurdle 4 - martyrdomn

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 22 Sep | Acts 6:1-7 | mission hurdle 3 - distraction

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 15 SEP | ACTs 4:32-5:16 | mission hurdle 2 - sin

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 8 SEP | ACTs 4:1-31 & 5:17-42 | mission hurdle 1 - persecution

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 1 SEP | ACTs 3 | refreshing from the lord

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 25 AUG | ACTs 2:42-47

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 18 AUG | JONAH 2

Bible Reading

Sun 11 AUG | ACTS 2:1-41 | PENTECOST

Bible Reading

Sun 4 AUG | ACTS 1:12-26 | who will be my witness?

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 28 JUl | ACTS 1:1-14 | what god is doing

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 21 JUl | matthew 25:14-30 | faithful with what we’ve been given

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 14 JUl | JONAH 1 | running away from god

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 7 JUl | 2 Corinthians 7:2-16 | the goodness of godly sorrow

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 30 JUN | 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 | perfecting holiness

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 23 JUN | 2 Corinthians 6:3-13 | Extreme lives for jesus

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 16 JUN | 2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2 | a deep dive into reconciliation

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 9 JUN | PSALM 51 | confession to transformation

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 2 JUN | 2 corinthians 4:16-5:17 | from suffering to glory

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 26 May | 2 corinthians 4:1-15 | DO NOT LOSE HEART

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 19 May | 2 corinthians 2:12-3:18 | THE TRUTH ABOUT MINISTRY

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 12 May | 2 corinthians 1:12-2:11 | the depth of our love for each other

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 5 May | 2 corinthians 1:1-11 | the comfort of god who raises the dead

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 28 APR | PSALM 136 | his steadfast love endures

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 21 APR | JOHN 14 | the best life in jesus

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 14 APR | JOHN 14:1-7 | jesus is tHe only way home

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 7 APR | JOHN 1:1-18 | what if goD was one of us?

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

EASTER SunDAY 31 mar | mark 16:1-8 | resurrection day

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

GOOD FRIDAY 29 mar | mark 14:1-11 | love poured out

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading

Sun 24 mar | JUDE 1-25 | Contend for the faith

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading (Chinese 经文)

Sun 17 mar | ecclesiastes 11:7-12:14 | DEATH UNDER THE SUN

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading (Chinese 经文)

Sun 10 mar | ecclesiastes 7-11:6 | wisdom under the sun

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading (Chinese 经文)

Sun 3 mar | ecclesiastes 4-6 | wealth under the sun

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading (Chinese 经文)

Sun 25 FEB | psalm 9-10

Bible Reading (Chinese 经文)

Sun 18 FEB | ecclesiastes 3 | Time under the sun

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading (Chinese 经文)

Sun 11 FEB | ecclesiastes 2 | the search for meaning

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading (Chinese 经文)

Sun 4 FEB | ecclesiastes 1 | life under the sun

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading (Chinese 经文)

Sun 28 JAN | 2 peter 3 | living knowing jesus

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading (Chinese 经文)

Sun 21 JAN | luke 18:9-14 | why should god let you into heaven?

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading (Chinese 经文)

Sun 14 JAN | 2 peter 2 | what you need to know about false teachers

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading (Chinese 经文)

Sun 7 JAN | 2 peter 1:12-21 | knowing the truth

Sermon Outline | Bible Reading (Chinese 经文)